
Git visualize branches
Git visualize branches

To get better results with the display consider setting the color.ui Git configuration variable to auto. (I have this call aliased to git overview, by the way). As pointed out by the user universal_property at reddit, removing the - at the end made it work. Stock gitk -all or, at the console: git log -graph -oneline -decorate -all. Update: As some people were reporting, the git lg -p command wasn't working. PS: It seems that there's no way to view larger images, so I've linked bigger versions of them on the tip. Or, if you want to see the lines that changed git lg -p Git config -global alias.lg "log -color -graph -pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%Creset' -abbrev-commit"Īnd every time you need to see your log, just type in git lg Therefore I want to know which branch is the up-to-date one or where this branch comes from. Note, that in Git a branch is just a named pointer to a. Okay but sometimes I only need branch names, since I create and add bunch of feature or fixing bugs a.k.a another feature. These are just colors to make reading the revision graph easier. To view a list of your local Git branches, you can run the git branch command at any point during your workflow and to view a list of your remote Git. Copy and paste the line below on your terminal: We saw how we can visualize our commits with tree-like graph in the post Visualize Git Log Tree.

git visualize branches

I guess that's a bit too long, eh? Let's just make an alias.

git visualize branches

In other words: Branch is a reference to a commit. Just type in: git log -graph -pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%Creset' -abbrev-commit Branches are used to develop a new feature or to fix a bug in the code. So, are you tired of this old and bored git log screen?

Git visualize branches